Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dinner at our house

I recreated a recipe I made at a work event. It was just as good!

Chicken & Apple sausage stuffed inside a garlic & rosemary marinated pork loin. Also with roasted veggies and glazed asparagus. So wonderful!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A bit of a sabbatical...

I feel so ashamed! I just realized how out of touch I've been the past month.

As June approaches, it seems like every free moment is spent on tedious details. My awesome craft room is sad and project free right now. :(

I decided I'm just going to wait until after the wedding to really hit the ground running and dedicate much more time to Etsy Betsy. I can't wait too see what all I can do with the extra time!

I'll keep you posted on fun wedding planning projects. But be patient with me! I'm surprised I'm still same.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wedding Planning Galore

A little taste of how I've spent every free moment I've had.

What I've learned:

1. DIY is SUPER fun!
2. DIY is SUPER time consuming.
3. DIY requires A LOT of resources.
4. DIY saves money.
5. DIY is something to be proud of.
6. DIY is something anyone can do. With anything.

I've spent a great deal of time coming up with ideas or changing some I've already seen to fit our look. I'm really pleased with the result so far, and I can't wait to see it all come together. I've been able to spend a lot of time with my mom, which I'm very grateful for! Jordan has folded more tissue paper poms than I could imagine! What a trooper! The whole process (so far) has been quite an adventure!

 We definitely made our mark with the spray paint. The whole neighborhood smelled of fumes! It's the ultimate "cover all."
 Bless him. My little tissue folder. Clearly, he's had enough! 
 Picking out fabric for centerpieces. Mom is so much more thorough than I am!
 What would we do without Lowes?!?
 Mason jars for $7? Check! That was a find! Most places don't sell them cheaper than $10 for 12. They are exactly a pint. How fitting for the beer!
 These little beauties will be cornucopias of peaches & hydrangeas! Lovely!
 Toying with the initial look. 
The start of the wedding chandelier! Picture this guy with little crystals and some flowers wound around it. Love it! It will be lit up for the ceremony. :)

Monday, March 5, 2012


I know I've been a bit quiet lately. Been busy! Planning a wedding is....time consuming.

I've finally narrowed down some of my favorite handmade items that will start out the etsy shop.

Of course, there will be many varieties and styles, but here's the gist of one of my favorite items: